''Mental Block'' is a Canadian comedy TV series, which premiered September 1, 2003 on YTV. It is directed by Sean Dwyer and Michael Kennedy. The show revolves around thirteen-year-old Donovan Mackay. His mom and dad seem to be going through a second adolescence, while he's going through his first. His best friends, Ira and Shelley don't even register on the "cool meter" at school. His main crush, Chloe, is so far out of his league she doesn't know he's on the team. Luckily, Donovan has four teenagers living inside his head, Sparks, Maynard, Skipper, and RJ. Their mission is to get Donovan through another adventurous and unpredictable day as a teenager in suburban Greenfield Park Junior High. The show is filmed in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. In the second season, Donovan himself is seen inside his head, and the other kids help advise him instead of directly controlling him. Also Maynard is gone. ==The Cast== * Justin Bradley as Skipper * Valérie Chiniara as Zoë * Alexina Cowan as Shelly Green * Brittany Drisdelle as Chloe Zimmler * Stefano Faustini as Ira * Tod Fennell as McHattie * Johnny Griffin as RJ * Erik Knudsen as Donovan Mackay * Tim Post as Doug Mackay * Jodie Resther as Sparks * Mitchell David Rothpan as Maynard 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Mental Block」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク